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  • Writer's pictureIsabella Bejarano

The Gift: A Christmas Reflection

The Gift: A Christmas Reflection

December 26, 2020

Around Christmastime, it's inevitable to hear the words: "it's not just about the presents." While that is certainly true, life teaches us that every tradition is based on something deeper. Each family has their own liturgy, or a set of traditions or ritual that they perform to remember the meaning of Christmas and to build communion with each other. For many people, this liturgy includes exchanging gifts. By giving each other gifts, what we recall is The Gift we were given so long ago.

Often, the gift-giving tradition will take place when families gather around the Christmas tree on the 25th. As the colorful paper is loosened with a satisfying rip, squeals of delight or teary eyes are the result of seeing what is concealed within. The joy of presents isn't to have something new. It is not in the shiny, beautiful packaging that will surely end up in the trash. It is the tangible manifestation of being known so profoundly that you received an expression of love tailored just for you. As you unwrap the mystery of your gift, you don't know what you are going to get, but you know that you were thought of and remembered. As you see your gift, you remember some little comment you made to someone about something you wanted or needed, or you think of a moment when they got to know something you lovethis experience has now become an object in your hands, imbued in love, care, and memories.

Our great Gift is the same way. God began preparing this Gift a very long time ago, because He knew we needed it before we even knew we did. The human heart wants connection. It longs for purpose. It searches for eternity, many times unknowingly. God had the answer to that emptiness we hold inside our soul. He wrapped up and gave His people gifts throughout the ages: the Law which revealed the character of God and the sinfulness of man, and a Tabernacle and Temple that would allow sacrifice for forgiveness that would allow a way back to Him. He sent prophets to explain the Gift, but the people got caught up in the wrapping that would surely end up as rubble and ashes one day. These were merely shadows of The Gift. God knew the greatest need and desire of our hearts, and He would give us a permanent solution to our estrangement from Him.

God's gift was ready and the time was right. Finally, on a starlit night, we received The Gift. He was the love we had always wanted, wrapped up as a baby in swaddling cloths: divinity encased in flesh and blood. Immanuel, God with us. An expression of love tailored just for us, so that the High Priest of Heaven would understand grief, and shame, and hunger pains. The greatest mystery of God's divine and eternal nature, close enough to touch.

This Gift was everything we have ever wanted and needed. It fills all the aching voids in our soul, from the unspoken desires to the daily mistakes that we start adding up. He makes us clean and new. He is still Immanuel, our Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. He was The Gift of love in tangible manifestation.

So yes, Christmas is "not just about the presents." It is about The Gift. A Gift so big that all the world can receive it, and yet so personal that it is what each one of us needs. As we give and receive gifts during this season, let that be the unforgettable truth that we reflect on.

My prayer for this Christmas season is that remembering Jesus will be a part of your daily routine. May He be involved in every area of your life, showing you the real meaning of Christmas. Though a new year is soon approaching, let it come closer to the Lord than ever.

I encourage you to share this free gift with whoever way you can, in whatever way you can. Let the Holy Spirit lead you! Sharing the gospel isn't always saying some specific words and leading someone in a prayer, it is ministering to them in the way they need it. I know He will use you in big ways this coming year!

Yours truly,


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