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  • Writer's pictureIsabella Bejarano



April 19, 2020

Catching some sun on my patio 😄

I have lost track of how many days I have been stuck at home, but I can clearly remember my last day of “freedom.” I remember how much I underestimated how long this would last, and how much would change even after things went “back to normal.” I failed to appreciate the tiniest things which I miss so much right now.

One of those things is being outside and feeling the sun on my face and the breeze in my hair. When quarantine began, I didn’t feel the sun for several days. Then, I realized that from three to four PM, sunlight poured through my window and onto the floor. I began to set an alarm on my phone for this time, and I would lay down in the sunbeam until the sun disappeared. This made me feel like I was outside just for a little while.

Meanwhile, I had forgotten that I have a whole backyard where the sun shines for many hours, and a crisp breeze blows gently on the leaves of all the plants. I had completely forgotten about this and locked myself up more than I needed to. I had forgotten the freedom that I still had, content with the bare minimum.

Now, I go out there every day when it is sunny, and I read, or paint, or nap. I can definitely say that doing this has made my quarantine much happier.

You might be wondering why I’m sharing this story. I wanted to tell you this story because I think it parallels my relationship with God in many ways, and maybe it resonates with you, too. So often, we put so many needless limits on our relationship with God. Though we could spend our day in communion with Him, we limit our time with him to thirty-minute devotionals or Sunday services. Our God is infinite! Even if we studied Him every minute, there would still be much more to learn.

I want to take advantage of this time to make my relationship with God limitless. I don’t want to stay in the light of a single sunbeam when I could be basking in the light of the whole sun. Now that we have more free time, why not use it to grow our relationship with the Father, who lights up the world much more than the sun. He is the source of life.

My prayer for this season is for revival. I think that God can use this time to soften people’s hearts to receive the Gospel. God is not in quarantine! He is still moving in people’s lives, healing, and doing miracles. He is moving within the church and in our lives. He is doing much more than we can imagine. I pray you grow closer to Him and find peace in this situation. May you grow in your relationship with Him without any limits.

I encourage you to spend more time with Jesus, getting to know Him much more. Instead of wasting your time on frivolous entertainment, dive into His Word and pray. He has so much to show us if we open up our hearts to receive it.

Yours truly,


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